Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The concept of "Anti-Gravity" is a misnomer

Preferably, it should be referred to as a "manipulation of space". Space is the antimatter, whereas the equilibrium between matter and antimatter is a bipolar concept unobtainable because both points tend away from each other. The first pole is the infinitely dense point of matter: matter with no space within it. Let's call it "Bi-pole 1". This concept invites the question: is there infinite space outside of Bi-pole 1?

The second pole is where density is infinitely close to zero, or if there is no mass at all, then zero. One might argue that if all the matter in the universe were contained in one small “black hole” then the density of the rest of the universe, assuming that there is space is close to zero, thus creating a type of equilibrium. But that is not so. The space around that infinitely dense black hole would be very upset, indeed quite warped, and not at all at equilibrium. (note: equilibrium here is defined as a steady state, that is a state in which there is no change through time).

To further define this bipolarity we must introduce another component to the puzzle: Time. We define time as any change with or among particles in space as they relate to each other. As a kind of mathematical joke:


So let's use Δ instead of t for our purposes. Inside Bi-pole 1 there is no space for a change in the relationship between particles (unless there are changes in relationships which require no change in space or motion). Outside of Bi-pole 1 there are no particles to change with respect to each other, therefore:


The second part of the Bi-pole, let's call it "Bi-pole 0", has a point of equilibrium where there is an infinity of space between any two particles. This infinity itself would only be infinity. so again:


Where M = mass, s = space and Δ = t = change, the unifying concept is that space tends to fill mass and that mass tends to exist as self, both tending toward an equilibrium where Δ=0.

If these ideas hold true, what is a practical application for them? If the unifying concept holds true then by the manipulation of particles and their relationship to each other we should be able to manipulate space and since we can predict the direction in which space tends to move we can therefore affect the shape and behavior of space-time through the manipulation of the density and orientation of matter.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I see your point. Isn’t it interesting that many ancient cultures incorporated their understanding of time into their architecture?Ie. Medicine Wheels, Machu Pechu, Chaco Canyon, Stone Henge.The fact that they arrived at their understanding of time by plotting them out on the space they had available to them would seem to fundamentally support what you are saying.
But should all this hold true-my god! What have we been doing to time while we've been making all these things?!?
Further interesting to note-Those ancient cultures were capable of preservation unlike this modern society and our 2D time maps we call clocks.
This 2012 thing-talk of another dimension and a true understanding of time-are we realizing it through our "green initiatives"?
By the way-how do you get your keyboard to type triangles?